School zones for 2001-02: These maps show the zoning changes for the third year of Metro's five-year School Improvement Plan. To find out if there are any changes for your child, locate your neighborhood on the maps and note the color of the zone. Then look for the same color under key changes. For example, parents who live near Cane Ridge Road in the Antioch cluster should look at the green area of the key. The changes there affect only students in grades K-4 who currently attend Moss or Tusculum elementaries those children will attend Maxwell Elementary next year. There are no zoning changes for students in grades 5-12 in that area. The changes are designed to move children to schools closer to home, such as the transfer of students to Maxwell from Tusculum, which is out of the Antioch cluster. This chart shows the schools and feeder patterns that will be in effect in these clusters once the plan is fully implemented. These maps show the general geographic area zoned to each school. Actual zoning is based on specific street addresses and cannot always be determined visually, especially around the border of a zone. NOTE: Grandfather options are available in all clusters for students in grades 3, 4, 8, 11 and 12 to stay at the same school they attended this year.